• Applicable to Hong Kong residents, Mainland residents and Mainland registered company
  • A non-Hong Kong company is required to register as a registered non-Hong Kong company within one month after the establishment of a place of business in Hong Kong
  • Application through:
    • the Registry's “e-Services Portal”, by clicking on the button under “Quick Links” to submit online application
Please click here for details of user registration at e-Services Portal.
  • Documents needed for applicants:
    • Application form for registration as registered non-Hong Kong Company (Form NN1);
    • a certified copy of the instrument defining the company’s constitution e.g. charter, statutes or memorandum and articles of association;
    • a certified copy of the company’s certificate of incorporation (or its equivalent);
    • a certified copy of the company’s latest published accounts; and
    • A Notice to Business Registration Office (IRBR2).
Please click here for details of preparing the above documents.
  • Fee:
    • Please click here for the fee table
  • Payment methods:
    • deduction from deposit account at the e-Services Portal
    • credit card (VISA/Mastercard/JCB/UnionPay)
    • digital wallet (Apple Pay/Google Pay)
    • PPS Shop&Buy Service
  • A Certificate of Registration of Non-Hong Kong Company and a Business Registration Certificate will be issued by the Companies Registry (see Note 1).
  • Electronic certificate(s) will normally be issued within 9 working days. An email notification for download of the certificate(s) will be sent to the message box and registered e-mail address of the registered user who submits the application.
Please click here for details.

Note 1: Business Registration Certificate will only be issued to a registered non-Hong Kong company which has not yet registered its business under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310).