• Applicable to any individuals/companies (including Hong Kong residents, Hong Kong registered companies, Mainland residents and Mainland registered companies)
  • The following applicants can register as a user of the e-Services Portal
  1. A natural person can register for an Individual user account.
  2. A local company or a registered non-Hong Kong company registered with the Companies Registry under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) can register for a CR Company user account.
  3. A business registered only with the Inland Revenue Department (“IRD”) under the Business Registration Ordinance (Chapter 310 of the Laws of Hong Kong) can register for a BR Entity user account.
  4. Applicant who is not within the above three types of users can register for an Other Non-Individual user account.
Types (i), (ii) and (iii) users can subscribe to all available electronic services. Type (iv) user can subscribe to e-Search Services and Access to WI/PI Services only.
  • Applicants may apply through the Internet.
  • Documents needed for applicants:
Service to be Subscribed Types of applicants
Individual CR Company BR Entity Non-individual
e-Filing Services
  • Identification document, including Hong Kong Identity Card, People’s Republic of China Identity Card or passport (for non-Hong Kong Identity Card holder)
Not applicable
  • Copy of the valid business registration certificate
Not applicable
Access to WI/PI Services
  • Identification documents of the applicant
  • Evidence of the capacity of the applicant
For details, please refer to the information pamphlet “Additional Documents for the Application for Disclosure of Withheld Information / Protected Information”
  • Identification documents of the applicant
  • Evidence of the capacity of the applicant
  • Authorisation letter
For details, please refer to the information pamphlet “Additional Documents for the Application for Disclosure of Withheld Information / Protected Information”
e-Search Services Not applicable

Note: Identification document and supporting document(s) submitted electronically need to be a certified true copy. On the other hand, the following digital certificates are also accepted as proof of identification information: (i) Hongkong Post e-Cert (Personal) certificate; or (ii) Personal ID-Cert issued by Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited.

  • Please click on the button under “Quick Links” to submit online application through the Registry's “e-Services Portal”.
  • Fee:
    • For subscription to e-Search Services: An annual fee of HK$500 for registration of a principal account and HK$100 for a subsequent account will be charged.
    • For subscription to e-Filing Services and Access to WI /PI Services: Free of charge
  • Payment methods:
    • deduction from deposit account at the e-Services Portal
    • credit card (VISA/Mastercard/JCB/UnionPay)
    • digital wallet (Apple Pay/Google Pay)
    • PPS Shop&Buy Service
    • FPS (Faster Payment System)
  • The processing time required will be subject to the types of services subscribed and the need to provide identification or other supporting document for verification.

e-Filing Services

  • Only applicable to Types (i) & (iii) users
  • Type (i) user - Individual user account
    • If Digital Certificate and iAM Smart are used: The system will accept the applicant’s registration immediately if the information provided is correct.
    • If certified copy of identification document and supporting documents are submitted: The time required to complete the process will normally be 4-5 working days.
    • If original identification document and supporting documents are presented to the Companies Registry in person: registration will be accepted immediately after the original documents are checked by officer.
  • Type (iii) user - BR Entity
    • If copy of the valid business registration certificate is submitted: The time required to complete the process will normally be 4-5 working days.

Access to WI/PI Services

  • Applicable to all types of users
    • If certified copy of identification document and supporting documents are submitted: The time required to complete the process will normally be 10 working days.
    • If original identification document and supporting documents are presented to the Companies Registry in person: registration will be accepted immediately after the original documents are checked by officer.

e-Search Services

  • Applicable to all types of users
    • Applicants are required to provide personal identification information. No identification document proof is needed for different types of users. Registration will normally be accepted immediately.
  • An email for activating the user account will be sent out by the system normally within one hour after application for subscribing to any one of the services is accepted. Notification of commencement for use of individual services will be sent separately to the applicant’s registered email address. User can start using the successfully subscribed services after activating the account.